Pacific Palms Nursery
Pineapple Palm (Phoenix canariensis)Canary IslandsCanary Island date palm is highly prized for its formal effect in the
landscape, and for its hardiness that allows its use in cooler winter climates.
The trunk is very wide compared to other palms.
The leaf spread of Canary Island palms requires ample room for
development even when the palms are young.
Extremely tough and durable, this species endures dry conditions and,
with occasional feeding, poor soils as well.
As with most palms, poorly drained sites should be avoided. It's common name refers to the fat trunk on younger palms commonly seen throughout the valley. Easy to grow, likes full sun and will tolerate infrequent watering once established. Average growth is about 6" to 1 foot of height per year. Click on photo to enlarge view 15 Gal 20 Gal 30" BoxKeys to Optimum Health:
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