Pacific Palms Nursery
So Many Palms, So Little Time!One of the factors to consider when selecting a palm tree for your yard is the amount of time and care needed to assure its’ success. With the weather extremes in Southern Arizona, many palms require a year or more to adapt to their new environment. This may include having sunburned leaves the first few summers and possible frost damage in some colder winters. The amount of adaptation time required will depend on the palm you choose and the care it receives the first year. There are “bullet proof” species that require little to no care once established, and there are tropical species that need a little more nurturing to grow to maturity. Whichever type of palm you select, they will add a distinctive beauty to your landscape, and increase the enjoyment and value of your home. Choosing the Best LocationDeciding where to use palms in your
landscape will greatly determine which varieties you should choose.
It is important to know the average growth rate and the mature height and
width of each palm to decide it’s best location. Some palms may reach maturity
in about 15 years while others can take much longer.
You will want to consider overhead obstructions, nearness to walkways,
and whether the palm prefers a shady location or will adjust to more direct sun.
Obviously, a south or west location will be much hotter in summer and some palms
may take longer to adapt to our Phoenix summer sun.
This site is copyrighted © 2006 Pacific Palms